I love blogging its a great way to reflect on what we are going. I've been using it with students at school. Here's an example I'm working on now. They also love it as a reflection tool once that understanding its uses and how its set up. Its also a great way to encourage students to write. When setting up a blog using something like Blogger or Wordpress you can make your blog a private one. So only people you have given the rights to can view it. You can also have co-contributors to the blog. Their posts get sent to your email for approval before posting. They can also comment on each other's work. Comments can be set up so only you can approve them before posting on the blog. This then becomes a great way to collaborate and share students writing. Edublogs is a great platform for teachers and students to use instead of Blogger because it lets you create student blogs from your account. Students don't even have to have a email. You can set yourself as the administrator to their blogs approving their work as they go.
Here's a great link to learn more on blogging.
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